Monday, September 13, 2010

Glenn W. Clark, Week 9 Halal, Chapters 8-10

"Technology's Promise"
   by William E. Halal

Chapters 8 thru 10

Chapter 8: Shifting structures of society: Business, Government, and Other Institutions in a Knowledge Age

* The Creative Destruction of Institutions. -

As we begin to understand the dismantling of the institutions, we have now passed the era of both X and Y generations. The upcoming generations will be know as the "me too" What is the Me Too" generation and how they differ from the ones before. Well this is the Crux of the discussions. How about the days of bringing the family dog to work and decreasing the green house gasses. These are not new concepts, but simple revisiting of old ideas that are brought to lite with a new name. " An old candy bar in a new rapper does not make it new again, It is still an old candy bar just a harder" This is the case. The candy just gets harder and harder to swallow. Once again, we find ourselves attempting to tackle ideas of Health care, Social Reform as well as various other unsustainable ideas of Americana. Several cases pointed out in this chapter brings to light the social dogma's and attempts to repackage them under the notion and accomplishing minor social changes. As pointed out in (Hallal, 2008, Page ) we have only began to nibble at the underlying root causes of unsustainable. These required changes need to extend well beyond the organizational changes and the institutional models that have been put forth. Among the most promising is the idea of "Self Managed Internal Enterprises, ( Halal, Pg. 109)

* From Hierarchy to Enterprise

What exactly is Hierarchy; Is this a line or staff function in the design of a organization. In order to understand this, lets understand the root of the word. Hierarchy
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, search A hierarchy (Greek: hierarchia (ἱεραρχία), from hierarches, "leader of sacred rites") is an arrangement of items (objects, names, values, categories, etc.) in which the items are represented as being "above," "below," or "at the same level as" one another and with only one "neighbor" above and below each of power is called a power structure. Abstractly, a hierarchy is simply an ordered set or an acyclic graph.
A hierarchy can link entities either directly or indirectly, and either vertically or horizontally. The only direct links in a hierarchy, in so far as they are hierarchical, are to one's immediate superior or to one of one's subordinates, although a system that is largely hierarchical can also incorporate alternative hierarchies. Indirect hierarchical links can extend "vertically" upwards or downwards via multiple links in the same direction, following a
path. All parts of the hierarchy which are not linked vertically to one another nevertheless can be "horizontally" linked through a path by traveling up the hierarchy to find a common direct or indirect superior, and then down again. This is akin to two co-workers or colleagues; each reports to a common superior, but they have the same relative amount of authority.

As mentioned in the classic business school format, where do we draw the line on participatory management. Halal points out on page 109 that a particular CEO was having issues with the IT unit. Since when did this become a problem. The inherent nature of an IT unit is not one of producer nor consumer. This is a support unit and is accounted for under GAAP regulations out on the balance sheet as just that. To attempt to convert into a profit center mentality is hog wash. As mentioned in the Internal Market Economics" section, we begin to understand the limited experience that some managers and CEO's have. In order to fully understand this new definition, the link below sheds lite and should support the definition process. - Similar. Further analysis and a more through understanding of what cost center management entails is paramount to the full understanding of these issues. As pointed out on page 112, Internal Enterprises are fragmentation's and will only work with differing product lines or centralized core manufacturing concepts. This type of organization is typically shared by Retail Organizations the share warehousing operations and common element or cross marketing functions.

* From Profit to Community

What can be said for the power of Appreciative Inquiry(AI). As managers, we have the obligation to empower our employees to do what is correct and to trust their collective training. The some of the individual parts is more important the sum of the whole in some instances. Modern businesses provide training in order to teach underlings what and when to do specific tasks that are in the best interest of the unit. Management style has always been one of individualism. Team building and in accordance with the classic definition of getting a job done. So we examine the idea of mutual collaboration and leadership. Why does a manager need to be autocratic. The adage of Iron Fist or Velvet Glove comes into play. How different is this concept than the Delphi leading question for the focal alignment of the parties involved. Halal points out "This is but one example, yet I think it highlights a key principle in leadership today: "In a world of escalating complexity and empowerment of people, leaders must cultivate the art of helping diverse groups collaboratively" (Halal, 2008, pg. 114)

The third aspect of this chapter explores the concept of social responsibility. Emboldened into the modern idea of management we must respect the firms that can incorporate this premise into their daily management style. The aspect of responsibility has moved this management tool to the realm of a luxury when available instead of a staple. As mentioned, this individual style has been relegated to that of a weak link in the modern tool box of management. In the last five years, management interaction with shareholders/stakeholders has molded the image of information sharing into the Corporate Community. Elements of the Corporate Community show that it" is becoming clear that organizations are basically political in the investors, employees, clients, and other stakeholders are all power centers that are essential to success." (Halal, 2008, Pg 115) Unlike capital, knowledge can flow indefinitely. The capital aspect in the Corporate Community is comprised of both tangible as well as intangible assets. In the above aspect , we must ask the question of "Why" The why aspect means that collaboration is economically productive because stakeholders and shareholders benefit through the sharing of knowledge and paradigm shifts.

* From Capitalism to Demographic Enterprise

The understanding of this aspect is essential in the development of a good manager. Talent development is one of the hardest tasks known to corporations today and this is problematic across the universe. Corporate management must invest time and goodwill to cultivate productive relationships with stakeholder groups as well as shareholders. This basic concept shows that both groups need to demonstrate support for central management schemes in order to facilitate good management style. Additional analysis shows that stakeholder developments promotes effective communications and builds the trust required to build that power bas that essential for any management team to operate. As stated on page 120, "American politics move in roughly 20 year cycles and severe dis=appointment in the second Bush Administration seems to have ended the conservative wave that began with Ronald Reagan election" Recent leadership models have all compared their picks to emulate the efforts of President Reagan and none have come close. In essence, President Reagan was able to foster the ultimate communicator role via the emotional buy in of the Stakeholders. ( US Citizens)

Chapter 9: An Age of Consciousness:

The Next Place in Technology's Promise?

What is Consciousness:

The idea of Consciousness if vague and has been beet to death. Consciousness is not the same as being alert, It does not even remotely say that if we apply the mirror test that we would even fog the mirror. Quite the contrary. The Author is simply describing a state of being. So once again we ask the simple question:

Consciousness refers to not only your awareness but also your thoughts, memories, feelings, and the sensations concerning the surrounding environment. Studies show that your conscious frame of mind is constantly evolving and is in a constant state of flux. Examples of this might show that in one moment you may be focused on reading this article. Your consciousness may then shift to the memory of a conversation you had earlier with a co-worker. In the next moment, you might feel uncomfortable your chair or maybe your thought patterns shift to planning activities such as where you might be eating dinner at. These shifting streams of imagery are referred to as targets of interest and can change dramatically from one moment to the next, but your experience of it seems smooth and effortless. Conscious experimentation was one of the first topics studied by early psychologists. Structuralists use introspection as a tool to analyze and report conscious sensations, thoughts, and experiences. Among the better known psychologist is William James. His studies concluded that consciousness is like a stream. Manifestations are unbroken and have little effect due to shifts and changes of the subjects emotional state. While the focus of much of Mr. James work was in the field of clinical psychology his studies shifted to purely observable behaviors during the first half of the twentieth century. Continual research on human consciousness has grown tremendously since the 1950s. What aspects of consciousness do researchers study? Topics such as sleep deprivation, dream analysis, hypnosis, and the affects of psychotropic drugs are a few of the major topics taken on and studied by psychologists. Central questions arise about what causes it and how does consciousness really affect us have yet to be answered.

The author notes that current studies show that information technologist (IT) are driving the studies of consciousness into the realm of androids replacing humans and smart computers that posses the ability of reasoning into the center stage of neuroscience research with the apex of this technology hitting the mainstream market in about 2020. One interesting note made by the author was the notion of the human spirit. Where does this come into play, or is it all encompassing.

Interesting note and comparison is the idea that scientists are materialist and associate consciousness to the brain functions and would explain the relationship between modern day gamers and strategist of the past. Review of Bread ball experiment shows some interesting abilities to calculate if this was in fact correct. Addi tonal areas that proved interesting to read was the computer modeling argument.

Chapter 10: A Virtual Trip Through Time

The author begins this chapter with his appreciation for happenings of the past starting with the cave men and their quest for fire and progressing up through the middle ages and ultimately the iron age. Historically, we can make the same analogy of our pursuits. Buck Rogers and his quest to conquer space. Instead of chasing fire, we chased the atomic bomb and now we are chasing the laser weapons. Where does the need to gather stuff end. When will we humans be content with not knowing what is three hundred million light years away. Ultimately the answer is never. The Author points out on page 146, "Anticipating the future is more fascinating than marveling at the past" How can this be. How did we figure out that by mixing charcoal, sulfur and simple salt, we could make gun powder. How did we figure out that if we boil the mud that bubbled out of the ground, we would get gasoline and we could burn that in a mechanical thing that went around and around and if we put a gear on it we can turn bigger wheels. I personally think that the past holds the key to the future. We have to understand it in order to move forward with confidence. What is the next big discovery. Is it cancer cure. Well I think that if we study the past, we will find elements that already do that. Will it be telepathic communication. Well, No we can in some instances already do that. Lets just stick to learning to do constructive things instead of destructive things. We will all be better off.

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